Exploring the Future of Innovation
The Applied Innovation Institute (Aii) is a non-profit and Think-Tank based in Silicon Valley and Singapore which includes over 150 faculty from the world’s top Engineering and Business Schools since 2009. Aii hosts the Think-Tank meetings by convening groups of leading faculty from the top global universities, ventures, and executives to create knowledge and accelerate innovation. Aii’s extensive global faculty and industry experts are available to collaborate in a wide range of multi-university programs and activities.
Empowering Innovations
The Applied Innovation Institute has been the forefront of horizon scanning and technology disruption since 2009.
By mixing global faculty leaders, ventures, and executives, AII creates new technologies, ventures, applied ph.d. theses, and impact initiatives. Click here for Applied AI projects.
Executive Program
We design, develop, and execute leading-edge programs in Executive Education combining faculty from the top Engineering and Business Schools in the world.
Client Advisory
Empowering leaders with expert insights and strategies to drive growth, make informed investment decisions, and guide innovative education.